Interchangeable Earrings – Wrist Flair
Interchangeable Earrings

change the beads, colorful earrings, earring sets, endless tube hoops, glass beaded earrings, interchangeable earrings, popular earrings, rose gold hoops, sets of beaded earrings, sterling silver hoops -

Interchangeable Earrings


glass beads for interchangeable earrings

For many of us, our number one dilemma when picking out a new accessory is deciding which color to get. Right?! We go back and forth...should we play it safe and pick black or gray or white, or do we take a risk and go with bright yellow or red? Are you practical and know you have many more things to wear with the black scarf vs. the red one? Or are you drawn to the bright colors and do you assume you'll find things along the way to wear with the red scarf? 

It isn't any different when ladies are trying to choose between several colors of my glass beaded earrings. One of my goals this past year was to offer women a way to purchase interchangeable earrings with multiple pairs of beads. As a result, women can purchase a pair of hoops (sterling silver or rose gold) and then choose as many pairs of glass beads as they want and then change the beads out at their discretion. Instead of buying three sets of earrings, how about purchasing one pair of hoops and as many sets of colored beads as you want? It's practical, it's what my customers have asked for, and the beads are easy to switch out. 

Do you know someone who would love these interchangeable earrings? Forward this blog post to them or send them this link:

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